Powell Peralta Pro McGill Skull and Snake Flight® Skateboard Deck - 8.97 x 32.38 - Sale

by: Powell Peralta

16 items left

About the Skull & Snake Artwork:

Just as Mike McGill was perfecting the 540 McTwist in the summer of 1984 at Swedish summer camp, V.C.J. was working on a new deck graphic for him. Since the "Skull & Bones" theme was proving to be popular, that was the direction chosen for McGill's new deck. Mike's input was to add the snake and lightning bolts since there is an abundance of both in his home state of Florida. McGill's Skull & Snake is truly a classic skateboard icon.

Originally Released: 1984

Artwork by: Vernon Courtlandt Johnson

FLIGHT™ Decks are:

Thinner - as thin as your phone
Stronger - more than twice as strong in our tail break tests
Longer lasting - The epoxy infused, fiber reinforced structure of the Flight deck is extremely resistant to breaking, and this structure gives them "everlasting pop" that doesn't fade as your deck slowly wears.
Ollies higher because of greater rebound and snap.
Team testing suggests that Flight decks will last several times longer than a 7-ply, making them a great value as well as a superior performing skateboard.

*Remember, skateboards are meant to be ridden, not run over by a car or truck.


UPC 842357156371
Brand Powell Peralta
Deck Shape 218
Deck Concave K15
Deck Wheelbase 14.6"
Deck Length 32.38"
Deck Width 8.97"
Deck Nose 6.5"
Deck Tail 6.76"

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